Amazon Pickleball Paddle Deals Page is Live
2 minutes

Pat Tammaro
Oct 29, 2024
We're now scraping Amazon prices and able to show you what paddles are on discount.
Hey there, fellow pickleball enthusiasts! We just launched a new page on the site - Amazon Paddle Deals.
Over time, I've captured this database of pickleball paddles. We've got just under 300 paddles. This allows you to compare paddles to stack specs against each other.
During that load, I would search the vendor's site as well as Amazon for the price and manually add it to the database.
Now, we've made an improvement to the price data. We're now scraping Amazon for the latest prices.
With that, I'm able to compare the latest price to the initial price when I started capturing these in 2023.
If there's a discount, we show it here.
You can order the list by discount or by brand. Some are 50% cheaper than they were in 2023!
Hope this helps you find your first or next pickleball paddle.
Note, if you need help figuring out some of the best paddles, the best paddles page is a good place to start.
Happy dinking! 🏓
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